
Addiction to alcohol is not the best choice in life, considering either short-term or long-term consequences. Once the person realized this, he or she might want drinking less, or quit at all. Anyway, it’s not so impossible as you may think. If you’re ready to stop and willing to get the recovery from alcoholism, that is a big change. After all, drinking habits cannot be changed overnight; this is a gradual process. After admitting your drinking problem, you should just make a decision, that’s all. The rest has already been done for you. Who’s with us in how to quit drinking, buddies?

2 Key Things to Start

1. Why not start with making a table, weighing all those costs and benefits of drinking, comparing to your costs and benefits of quitting? Perhaps, this will be the first and the last stage, as you’ll be greatly amazed, why you have been drinking at all.

2. The next step is to set clear quitting goals and prepare for changes. For example, to simply cut back or stop drinking altogether. If you’re an alcoholic, you won’t be able to control your drinking. Therefore, to stop drinking entirely is the best. But if you have no alcohol abuse problem and want to quit for personal/health reasons, there are many useful tips.

How to Quit Drinking:

A Few Helpful Ideas

After setting your goals, you should decide which ways you are going to accomplish them. Try the following advice:

  • Remove any temptations and drinking reminders from home and office.
  • Let family members, friends and co-workers know about your intention to stop drinking.
  • Distance yourself from drinking people. Perhaps, you are to give up certain social connections and friends.
  • If there are times when you’re offered a ’compulsory’ drink, prepare what to respond with a polite “no thanks.”

However, getting sober safely is another concern. No matter, whether you stop drinking on your own, or need medical supervision to withdraw from alcohol, it must be done safely and comfortably. All in all, alcohol withdrawal is not just unpleasant, but sometimes life threatening. Consequently, if experiencing any unusual symptoms, consult a specialist.

The Road to Recovery:

5 Joyful Steps to a Sober Lifestyle

stop drinking

Staying alcohol-free for a long term requires building a new and meaningful life without drinking. But who says this is boring?

*To prevent mood swings, concentrate on right eating, enough sleep and fitting exercises. They release endorphins, relieve stress and promote emotional well-being.

*Surround yourself with only positive influences and people. They will help you to stay motivated.

*Develop your new activities and interests. They will give you another sense of meaning and purpose, but drinking will hold less appeal.

*Learn to deal with stress, social pressure to drink and alcohol cravings in healthy ways: exercising, meditating or other relaxation techniques. They will give you much more fun.

*Remember that cravings for alcohol may be rather intense, especially in the first 6 months. Here is a challenge, but it’s up to you: to win or to lose. So, are you a winner or a loser?


Your Extra Strategy for No Way Back

At hard, alcohol nostalgic times always remind of your essential reasons for not drinking. Remember all the positive effects that you’ve got, as well as the negatives you’ve already forgotten. Lean on close friends and family; build a sober social network; and never give up! There is no magic treatment. Everyone needs to find those unique problems and situations which make them drink. Think of addiction in the aspect of your whole life: career, relationships, health, and psychological well-being. A new way of living can be so good, and it’s definitely worth a bumpy road of How to Quit Drinking!

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